Known for Honesty & Integrity
Looking To The Stars
specialize in Spiritual Healing. Energy Renewal
3rd generation American Indian Spiritual Psychic
Hello and welcome, my name is Sophia and I am genuinely excited you have found your way here to me. I am a third generation American Indian and Spiritual Psychic with well over 15 years of experience. When people discover that I am a spiritual psychic they immediately start asking me questions about my childhood, how I grew up, or how I discovered that I even had these abilities. They want to uncover the intriguing parts of my past that could have led me to the path that I am on today
I am part of the powerful Cherokee Tribe where I was raised as a child and discovered my psychic ability very early in life. Initially I struggled with my abilities and the sensitive energy I possessed that could give me incredible insight and communication with the spirit world. I did not understand at the time what was happening to me and thought it was mostly my very active and amazing imagination.
My Spiritual Guides
My spiritual guides have been with me since I was a child and they have guided me through all my pursuits. With them I was able to better harness my spiritual psychic ability and connect more deeply with myself and others.This psychic ability has helped me many times throughout my life to make decisions, answer questions for people, and find lost items for them. My great grandmother had the same ability. She was very well known for being able to help people find love. I have helped many with relationships and career decisions as well as life choices. I can help you with questions about your love life, your family, finances, career and even spiritual development. Having a spiritual journey is not only important for self-exploration and growth, but it can also be life-saving. A spiritual journey gives you the opportunity to connect with their innermost self and find clarity in difficult times. It can also help you find peace and understanding in life. As a psychic reader I can utilize many tools to divine an answer for any of your particular questions. I can help guide you on your journey through love and life.
I can use tarot cards, pendulums, runes and astrology to help you better understand the messages that are coming from the spirit world. I am also able to perform distance readings so you don’t have to travel or meet me in person. The process is not about being religious but is more about finding your own way of connecting with the divine. So whatever your spiritual beliefs may be, embark on a journey with me that will inspire and empower you.

Women and Spirituality
Women come in all shapes and sizes, have different backgrounds and interests, and believe in all sorts of things. Yet there is one thing that connects them all: a desire to find spiritual guidance and meaning in their lives. I will use my abilities to guide and help women of all ages on their spiritual journey by exploring the importance of spirituality, why women need it, and how to find it. By taking part in a spiritual psychic reading, you’ll be able to better understand your own spirituality, and the spirituality of women in general. Much like my namesake Sophia the mythological Greek goddess of spiritual wisdom in women, I believe in the wisdom found within the divine femine. While she is not mentioned by name in many texts and documents, Sophia has become a figure of spiritual wisdom within the western world. She is sometimes called the Goddess, the Great Mother, or is simply known as Wisdom.
Within many esoteric and occult traditions she has been called various names such as Babalon, Diana, Asherah and Persephone. When you embrace your spirituality many mystical experiences become the norm as you connect more with yourself and inspire awe, beauty, and grace. I can relate to her and her messages on the importance of women’s spiritual authority. My spirituality is extremely important to me and has shaped me into the woman I have now become. I have been through many difficult and different phases of my life and every time I have found my spirituality has guided me through them. My mission in this life is to assist others and help them discover their own spirituality as well.
Spiritual Insight and Connection
People tend to ask me about my abilities and how I am able to receive the information I attain through a psychic reading. During a Reading I can tune into my clairaudience as I receive a message through sound from the spirits, guides, loved ones at hand. This process also works along with my clairvoyance and clairsentience where I can see and sense the message facilitated by spirits or guides. These primary senses allow me to connect with spirits and other realms during a psychic reading. The power of my spiritual psychic readings also allows me to connect with your energy and spirituality as well. In this way I can utilize any spiritual insight from you and those around you. As women, we are often told that our path in life is to be successful, wealthy and famous. However, this is not the only path that leads to happiness and fulfillment. In fact, a spiritual journey can offer you all of these things and more. By understanding why spirituality is important for you, you can start to find your own path and journey towards happiness. So whether you’re new to spiritual thinking or have been exploring it for years, taking part in a spiritual psychic reading with me will provide you with everything you need to know to find your path.
With all my spiritual psychic readings I work with you to provide the best information that will guide you to making the best decisions for you and your life.I also give you healthy tips and tools to aid in manifestation and the achievement of your goals. I am very good with time lines and understanding your questions whether tangible or intangible. Primarily, I would like to work with you as I remove any fear and uncertainty that plagues you and holds you back from living your life to its fullest extent. Within you is a strong, sensitive, and yet powerful being with innate and intuitive abilities to achieve your greatest dreams and desires. As a spiritual psychic my goal is to discover and help you connect with your own guides, angels, or spirits that work daily to protect and guide you.

Spiritual Psychic Readings
Every reading I do is specifically tailored for you and before a reading I will prepare through prayer and cleansing. I seek out the energy that will uncover the highest good as well as the highest level of service I can provide for you. I am an extremely sensitive and spiritual person with a huge empathetic heart which is why I think I have such great insight into people’s lives and spiritual inclinations.
My ultimate hope and desire is that through sharing my story and gifts I can help you connect more readily with the magic that already resides within you. I know we will not be able to change everything in your life initially but, I can offer help and guide you to feeling better as you connect with your spiritual self. Success for me resides with garnering a powerful connection within you that leaves you feeling empowered, seen, heard, validated, and more connected with yourself than ever before. I aim to uncover the inner goddess that rests within you and bring her forward to guide you on your physical and spiritual journey.
The goddess energy within is actually a part of you that when you connect with allows you to assume ultimate authority in all aspects of your life. So if this sounds like something you desire to experience with me, reach out to me today and learn more about how to access your power and live life as the best version of yourself!
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