5 Signs You Need to Set Energetic Boundaries and How to Begin
Energetic boundaries are protective fields that you set around yourself to keep you from having your energy flow disrupted or depleted. When you set energetic boundaries, you are setting limitations for how much energy each person can take in or release in your surrounding area. It is especially a necessary practice for empaths and highly sensitive individuals. These people can take on a lot of energy in their everyday environments, leaving them feeling drained and depleted of their energy stores. Psychics, mediums, and empaths alike tend to feel emotions on a deeper level than everyone else and have a heightened sensitivity to their environments. Empaths and psychics need to take the time to construct energetic boundaries to protect their energy. Energetic boundaries are created when we consciously extend our energy to protect ourselves. There are a few signs to watch out for that will indicate that it is time to set energetic boundaries.

Sign 1: Drained Energy
Have you ever felt extremely tired or drained of energy spending time with a specific individual? If you answered yes to this question, it could mean energetic boundaries are necessary. When you are in the presence of some people or environments, they could drain your energy stores, leaving you with nothing for yourself. Be mindful of how you feel in their presence and afterward when you are with others. Based on your analysis, it may be time to begin setting energetic boundaries.
Sign 2: Strong Emotions
Has there ever been a time when an individual has made an aggressive outburst or emotional display so jarring it left you feeling tense or drained of energy? The explosion of emotional energy may not even be directed at you. Still, as an empath, you can not help but absorb the energy of others, whether it is positive or negative. Suppose you notice that you tend to get anxious around others when they are upset or emotional. In that case, removing yourself from the situation is a good idea. You can also communicate with others, letting them know you may need some time away to restore your energy. It is important to remember this sharing of emotional energy does not have to be intrinsically negative. Suppose you are there to share positive or happy emotions and moments with others. In that case, you can use this positivity to restore your energy.
Sign 3: Worry
Worry can be a circuitous habit that negatively impacts your health and energy levels as an empath or psychic. Highly sensitive people will waste their energy worrying and constantly checking on their loved ones. The worry cycle never seems to end once you start to turn over though about loved ones and their safety. If you find yourself in this pattern of worry, practice more mindfulness to clear your mind and focus on the present. You can perform breathing exercises, meditation, and other practices to distract your mind from worry as you redirect your thoughts and energy to the here and now.
Sign 4: Guilt
Have you experienced a feeling of regret or guilt whenever you need to tell an individual no? This can be a difficult practice that may go against many factors like how you were raised, or out of politness. You should be able to say no without fear of hurting others’ feelings, whether or not this has been a pattern instilled in you as a child. It is essential to realize that saying no without an apology is nothing to feel guilty over. Guilt can also rob your energy stores, leaving you drained and tired. If you notice yourself feeling this way, try practicing saying no to small things at first. Then as you build confidence, you can say no in more significant situations. Remember it is ok to put yourself first and leave space for yourself and your energy.
Sign 5: Unreplenished Energy
Your energy as a psychic or empath can be drained daily in various ways and needs to be replenished for you to feel your best self. We often give away our energy and need to learn how to restore it. Take the time to sit down and follow your passions and interests. Generally, after spending time doing things we love, or that make us happy, we can replenish our energy stores. Listening to music, being creative, going out in nature, or simply meditating in a quiet place can remedy low or drained energy. As an empathetic individual, taking care of yourself and your energy flow is essential.
How to Set Energetic Boundaries
As an empath, you will take on a lot of the energy of others and your surroundings. Finding methods to set up energetic boundaries and protect your energy is vital. A common practice to set boundaries is to be more mindful of your surroundings and who you spend time with daily. If you notice you need to step away from a situation or others, do so. You should find a quiet place and perform meditation. As you clear your mind, visualize a shield of light surrounding yourself to safeguard you from negative energy and attacks that will leave you feeling drained. You can create this shield by visualizing white light entering your body from all directions, then projecting it outwards in a protective shield. This practice will encourage you to set limits or protective boundaries for your energy. Another way to set up energetic boundaries is by placing mental barriers between yourself and others. You can consciously send out positive vibes and avoid people who give off negative vibrations. This shielding won’t prevent everyone from coming into contact with you. Still, it will make it harder for them to affect or invade your energy field.
Empaths, psychics, and compassionate individuals interact daily with energy-depleting people and situations. Since they are constantly absorbing the energy of their environments and the energy of those around them, it can be difficult to remain balanced. Absorbing the negative emotions and outbursts of others can leave these individuals feeling drained or tired since they absorb and process all that negative energy. Fortunately, there are ways to protect and restore their lost energy. Empaths and psychics can also intake the positive energy associated with happy moments or events, restoring their energy levels. Empaths must practice and utilize setting energetic boundaries daily to protect themselves and their energy flow.