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Psychic Exercises to Improve Intuition Solo & Group

February 2, 2023


That feeling in your stomach, mind, or even your heart, like a small inner voice guiding you to make a decision, is your intuition or instinct. It is a natural ability that helps you understand the world around you without conscious reasoning or proof. It is a subtle knowing or psychic guidance sent from the energy around you. Naturally, your body has psychic senses that receive intuitive information all day. There is a large and growing movement among spiritual individuals who believe that intuition is a practice that can be guided and developed with practice. Think of your intuitive abilities like a muscle that needs to be conditioned and strengthened to be used effortlessly.


Trusting Your Intuition

Since many of us need to learn how to trust our intuition or how we can work to improve it, we require a little help with its development. Spiritual intuition and intuitive spiritual experiences can be incredibly insightful in your daily life and spiritual journey. You can develop the strength of your spiritual intuition, which can be helpful when it comes to making important decisions in your life. Spiritual intuition can also give you significant guidance about the future, whether that involves knowing which career path to follow or if you can trust an individual or not. Some may find it challenging to connect with their intuition when feeling stressed or anxious. Intuitive insights can be developed to create a sense of peace and calmness. Your intuition will only be accurate once you can connect with your mind and body and be at peace with yourself. With practice, you will begin to notice the area of your body that ‘lights up’ with spiritual intuition. For some people, this is their gut, where the phrase, trust your gut originated. It is up to each individual with practice to decide whether they feel comfortable trusting their intuition’s strength or guidance until it has been fully developed. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can develop more faith in your spiritual intuitions and abilities.


Exercises to Improve Solo Intuition

Exercise 1: Awareness

Simply shifting your focus and being aware of your environment and the people around you can help you develop your intuition skills. Since information constantly passes through the psychic centers within our bodies, we can practice the feeling of our intuition by being around others. Practice reading the energy of others, especially new people you do not know well. You can develop your awareness and connection to your spiritual intuition as you practice noticing the characters of others and reading their spiritual energy.


Exercise 2: Dreams

Intuition development can be achieved through dreams and dream interpretation. Dreams involve your subconscious mind, which allows you to connect more deeply with your intuition and the messages it is trying to send to you. Dream interpretation can offer much insight into your subconscious fears and desires. It is essential to remember any constant themes, symbols, or scenes that exist within your dream state. Try keeping a dream journal where you write down your dreams to identify your subconscious messages and connect more deeply with your intuition.


Exercise 3: Nature

Developing a stronger connection with nature can, in turn, facilitate a deeper relationship with your spiritual intuition. Simply spending time outdoors enjoying the fresh air and grounding energy of nature can allow you to tap into your intuitive abilities. Listening to the intent behind the sounds of nature can resonate with your intuition. Focus on any words or messages that may come through the wind as it blows through the trees.


Exercise 4: Meditation

Through regular practices of meditation and mindfulness, you can significantly increase your spiritual intuition. Meditation calms the mind and allows for clearer thoughts and grounding energy, enabling intuitions to emerge. The daily practice of mindfulness can help train our attentional focus on any given object or task, leading to a stronger sense of spiritual intuition. Both methods have been shown repeatedly to increase psychic awareness and promote better intuition ability.


Exercise 5: Symbols

The universe is constantly in communication with our psychic senses and spiritual intuition. As you continue practicing mindfulness, you will notice more symbols and patterns sent to you from the universe as messages for you to interpret. You are receiving messages from the universe whether the same animal continues appearing or the same repeating numbers keep presenting to you. Statements can occur anywhere, so it is crucial to strengthen your intuition to receive and interpret them.


Exercise 6:Visualization

Visualization is an essential tool for training and strengthening your intuition. Flex your intuition muscle by practicing tuning into events before they happen. This process is relatively simple and can be fun to test yourself and your intuition. You can use visualization for anything you wish your intuition to pick up on or send you messages. For example, let’s say you are waiting on a text from your friend about something that happened to them today. Before they send their message, try to quiet your mind and ask your intuition what you need to know about this situation or message. Please pay attention to any thoughts or emotions that arise during your process and quickly write them down. You can use visualization to tune into your intuition and predict what you see. Try practicing by predicting the color of your friend’s shirt one day or the number of letters you will receive in the mail. Your intuition will strengthen as you connect more deeply with your subconscious and psychic abilities.


Exercises to Improve Group Intuition

Exercise 1: Tune in with a Friend

Grab a friend for this exercise as you both proceed to meditate with one another at the same time. You can be in a different room, but you should coordinate when you both will sit down and meditate. Try to tune in with your friend and telepathically send messages to one another. At first, it may be helpful to choose a topic beforehand but not discuss the specifics. Save that for your meditation session to see if you could send and receive information from each other.


Exercise 2: Psychometry

This psychic exercise can be used to develop a stronger intuition by sensing energy through an object. You can have a friend bring you an object or photograph that has significant meaning or value to them, but you know no information about it. As you hold the object, pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that arise, as they can be intuitive messages sent to you. Ask your friend if the feelings or thoughts align with the object they presented to you. Psychometry is an excellent way to practice receiving and interpreting intuitive psychic energy.



Spiritual intuition is a potent tool to help us navigate our lives more effectively. There are several methods and exercises to improve your spiritual intuition, including practicing psychic exercises individually or within a group. These exercises will help reinforce and develop your intuitive abilities while also allowing you to connect with the universe and your higher self.